August 1, 2024
At Flux, we want to ensure that your designs are functional and manufacturable—and that means making it easier to navigate the supply chain. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new end-of-life (EoL), not recommended for new designs (NRND) warning feature that automatically flags if components are at or near obsolescence. We’ve also given Copilot new access to Flux’s live pricing and availability tools so that it can do the supply chain and cost analyses for you.
When you’re creating a design that will eventually be manufactured, it pays to start off on the right foot. From the very get-go, it’s imperative that you design with components that are sourceable and will remain in production for the distant future.
With these warnings presented before you select a component, you’ll catch issues earlier in the process and avoid future supply-chain challenges before they even happen. And it doesn’t take a team to do it. Let Copilot and the Flux schematic editor do the heavy lifting for you—all under the roof of one centralized design tool.
Now you’ve got a design consisting of sourceable components with long-term viability. When looking toward manufacturing, you also want to cost-optimize your design to make it as affordable as possible.
With Copilot’s newfound access to Flux’s real-time availability and pricing tools, cost optimization becomes a breeze. Simply ask Copilot,
“@copilot, use real-time pricing data to help me find a more affordable alternate for U1”.
Copilot will then scour the internet and the Flux library, searching for the best component replacements that save you money without sacrificing your original design’s functionality. You no longer have to do all the manual work yourself. No more need to open a dozen tabs, clicking between datasheets and suppliers to find the best alternates. Instead, Copilot automates the whole process for you so that you can feel confident you have the most cost-efficient design possible.
Once your product is manufactured and on the market, the Engineering and Operations teams are still responsible for sustaining the project. That means monitoring changes in component availability and pricing to keep your production line up and running.
With Flux’s new features, this is all done for you.
If a component in an existing design is facing obsolescence, the warning indicators will appear directly on the schematic editor for everyone on your team to clearly see. Or, maybe you want to do an occasional check of your design just to be safe. In that case, you can prompt Copilot to do a BoM analysis for you by asking,
“@copilot, please analyze my bill-of-materials to check if any of my components have reach end-of-life, or if they’re at risk to do so”.
Like an entire supply-chain team at your disposal, Copilot will thoroughly compare your design against data from the world’s leading suppliers to ensure that all of your components are viable options for production. If not, Copilot will alert you accordingly, and even help you find alternates with better long-term prospects.
We want to make hardware less hard, and that means we need to give you, the designers, less things to worry about. With new End of Life Warning Indicators and Copilot’s newfound ability to access and analyze real-time Availability & Pricing information, we’re giving designers the power of an entire supply-chain at their fingertips. Want to experience how Copilot can ensure your design is ready for manufacturing? Start a design on Flux today!