As a CAD Librarian, your role is pivotal in the PCB design process. You ensure that components are accurate, up-to-date, and fully documented for design engineers, yet managing libraries and part data can become time-consuming and error-prone without the right tools. Flux addresses these challenges with a set of powerful features specifically designed to optimize your workflow.

Streamlining the CAD Librarian Workflow with Flux

This post provides a detailed overview of how CAD Librarians can leverage Flux’s key capabilities—AI Part Imports, Component Updates, Live Pricing, and JEP30 Export—each tailored to meet the specific demands of maintaining PCB libraries. For more in-depth guidance, links to relevant sections of our documentation are provided.

AI Part Import: Automate Data Extraction and Mapping

Traditionally, librarians must manually extract and input data from component datasheets, which is not only labor-intensive but also prone to human error. Flux automates this process with its AI-driven part import feature, allowing you to parse datasheets directly into your library.

  • Automated Pin Mapping: Our AI engine scans the datasheet, identifies pin functions, and generates the necessary mapping. This eliminates the need for manual entry and dramatically reduces the risk of misconfigurations.
  • Data Enrichment: Beyond simple pin mapping, Flux enriches the part data by automatically extracting additional metadata, such as temperature ratings, voltage tolerances, package information, and compliance standards. This enriched data is readily available to engineers, improving design accuracy and efficiency.
  • Consistency: The AI ensures uniformity across the library, which is critical when working with high-density or complex components.

Learn how to do AI part imports in Flux.

Component Updates: Centralized Control for Library Management

Component lifecycle management is a major responsibility for CAD Librarians, as maintaining up-to-date libraries ensures that engineers are always working with the latest verified parts. With Flux, component updates are automatically managed, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency across designs.

  • Real-Time Notifications: Whenever a component in the library is updated, Flux sends real-time notifications to all projects using that part. This minimizes the risk of outdated or obsolete components creeping into active designs.
  • Version Control: Each update is tracked with version control, enabling you to review changes, revert if necessary, or compare part versions. This ensures full traceability of modifications across all projects.
  • Minimized Risk of Obsolescence: Updates include supplier-specific information, such as end-of-life notifications, enabling proactive management of critical components before they become unavailable.

For detailed technical information, please refer to our documentation on component updates.

Live Pricing Integration: Real-Time Data from Suppliers

Component procurement is not just about ensuring technical compatibility—it’s also about balancing cost and availability. Flux integrates directly with supplier databases to provide live pricing and stock levels, which are visible directly within the part data.

  • Dynamic Pricing: Flux continuously fetches and updates pricing from a range of suppliers, ensuring that design teams are always working with the most up-to-date cost information.
  • Availability Tracking: In the event that a part becomes unavailable or reaches end-of-life, Flux notifies you immediately, allowing for quick reassessment of alternatives without delaying the design process.
  • Vendor Transparency: This feature gives engineers and librarians full visibility into vendor options, delivery timelines, and bulk pricing, empowering them to make data-driven decisions when selecting components.

Learn how Live Pricing works in more detail.

JEP30 Export: Ensuring Cross-Tool Compatibility

Flux's support for JEP30 export allows you to seamlessly integrate part data across multiple tools. The JEP30 format is widely accepted and enables you to transfer parts between different CAD platforms without losing data integrity.

  • Format Consistency: When exporting parts, the JEP30 standard ensures that all metadata, pin mappings, and other configurations are preserved across different EDA tools, reducing the need for manual re-entry and preventing data loss.
  • Interoperability: Whether you’re working within a multi-tool environment or collaborating with external teams using different CAD software, JEP30 export guarantees that your parts remain accessible and accurate, regardless of the platform.
  • Time Savings: By leveraging this export capability, you can minimize repetitive manual tasks associated with re-entering part data into different tools, ultimately saving both time and reducing errors.

Here's a detailed guide on how to use the JEP30 Export feature.

The Flux Advantage for CAD Librarians

Flux offers a robust set of tools designed specifically to enhance your workflow as a CAD Librarian. By automating tasks like datasheet parsing and part updates, providing real-time supplier data, and ensuring compatibility across multiple platforms, Flux helps you streamline library management while reducing errors and ensuring design integrity.

For a more comprehensive look at Flux’s features, including how to integrate them into your workflow, check out our full documentation.

If this sounds interesting to you and you'd like to request a demo or learn more, please contact sales.

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Nico Tzovanis

Nico is a professional electronics and PCB design engineer at Flux. Find him on Flux @nico

Go 10x faster from idea to PCB
Flux is an all-in-one EDA. Use re-usable blocks, scripting, and a library you don’t have to manage to dramatically reduce the time it takes to go from idea to prototype.
Illustration of sub-layout. Several groups of parts and traces hover above a layout.
Illustration of sub-layout. Several groups of parts and traces hover above a layout.
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Screenshot of the Flux app showing a PCB in 3D mode with collaborative cursors, a comment thread pinned on the canvas, and live pricing and availability for a part on the board.
Flux is a better way to build PCBs
Go 10x faster from idea to PCB by reducing busy work, never starting from scratch, and keeping your team in sync. All from the browser.
Screenshot of the Flux app showing a PCB in 3D mode with collaborative cursors, a comment thread pinned on the canvas, and live pricing and availability for a part on the board.
Flux is a better way to build PCBs
Go 10x faster from idea to PCB by reducing busy work, never starting from scratch, and keeping your team in sync. All from the browser.
Screenshot of the Flux app showing a PCB in 3D mode with collaborative cursors, a comment thread pinned on the canvas, and live pricing and availability for a part on the board.
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Join leading Fortune 500s and over 300k hardware engineers revolutionizing the way they build PCBs with AI
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Join leading Fortune 500s and over 300k hardware engineers revolutionizing the way they build PCBs with AI