No items found.
No items found.
No items found. is a complex, single-page web app that helps electronic engineers design printed circuit boards. As with any professional design tool, it needs to be fast, precise and predictable.

Early versions of were noticeably slow. We set a goal of making all our user interactions take less than 100ms, supported by science. We started a plethora of projects to make that happen, one of which I wrote about in another blog post. To make sure these efforts paid off, we created a measurement tool, log-time-to-next-idle, that is the subject of this blog post.

We've been using it to track the performance of around 50 key user interactions over 18 months, such as:

  • Selecting a component
  • Start dragging a component
  • End dragging a component
  • Adding a trace
  • Switching camera modes

We're very happy with how it is working. And now we've shared it with the world as an open-source package.

What is a user interaction?

A user interaction is defined here as any input the user provides—mouse click, key press, and so on—coupled with the intended effects of the input—menu opened, element added, and so on. The performance of a user interaction is simply the time between the start of the input to the end of the effects. For example, clicking on a select box will open a menu. The interaction is done when the menu has finished loading.

A subset of the interaction time is defined as “frozen time”. This is the interval following the user input when there are zero screen updates––no animation frames.

How is a user interaction measured?

Although the concept of a user interaction is easy to define intuitively, the end state can be hard to define formally. In modern reactive UIs, any part of the UI can freely change in response to an update of a store of application state (Redux, Zustand, and so forth). The initial handler of some user input doesn't know all the downstream effects of its execution and so it can't mark the end of the interaction.

In the diagram above, it is hard to know which among the N components will determine the "end" of the interaction. You may not even know what are all the N components that react to some user inptu. To deal with this problem, we took a shortcut. Assuming that...

  1. The CPU is idle when there is no user input
  2. All effects of a user input happen immediately after the input with the highest priority
  3. All effects require CPU time
  4. The interaction is done when the CPU returns to idle

...we can leverage requestIdleCallback to mark when an interaction is done.

Similarly, we can leverage requestAnimationFrame to indicate when an interaction has yielded control back to the main thread, unfreezing the UI.

In short, log-time-to-next-idle measures user interactions by queuing a requestAnimationFrame and a requestIdleCallback at the start of an interaction, then recording the time when the callbacks fire.

Code sample

Just put a call to logTimeToNextIdle at the start of any event handler. Here is an example of logging the time it takes to switch fictional tabs in a React app.

const logTimeToNextIdle = require('log-time-to-next-idle')

// ...

// Inside the Tabs
  onChange={(_event, tabName) => {
    // This is where the magic happens
    // There is no need to mark the end of the interaction
    // You will see a message in the console like
    // "switching-to-tab-library took 27ms until unfrozen, 117ms until idle"
  Tab label="Library"
  Tab label="Objects"

Note on concurrency

log-time-to-next-idle deals with overlapping interactions by cancelling earlier queued callbacks. In other words, the last interaction "wins" and any previous in-progress interaction is ignored. For ease of interpretation, you should try to measure debounced interactions that happen one at a time.

Profiler integration

log-time-to-next-idle will store measured intervals in the browser using window.performance.measure (if available). The intervals will then show up in the profiler (if available).

Custom Logging

Here is an example that logs to the console when in dev build mode, and logs to somewhere in the cloud when in prod build.

// Inside the Tabs
  onChange={(_event, tabName) => {
    logTimeToNextIdle(`switching-to-tab-${tabName}`, (name, data) =>
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
        console.log(`${name} took ${data.durationInMs}ms`)
      } else {
        logSomewhere(name, {
          durationInMs: data.durationInMs,

  Tab label="Library"
  Tab label="Objects"


We hope this measurment function log-time-to-next-idle will be useful to you and your app, as well as the general approach of defining interaction end points in terms of CPU usage. Check out the open-source package and please post any feedback there.

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Greg Dingle

Go 10x faster from idea to PCB
Flux is an all-in-one EDA. Use re-usable blocks, scripting, and a library you don’t have to manage to dramatically reduce the time it takes to go from idea to prototype.
Illustration of sub-layout. Several groups of parts and traces hover above a layout.
Illustration of sub-layout. Several groups of parts and traces hover above a layout.
Flux is a better way to build PCBs
Go 10x faster from idea to PCB by reducing busy work, never starting from scratch, and keeping your team in sync. All from the browser.
Screenshot of the Flux app showing a PCB in 3D mode with collaborative cursors, a comment thread pinned on the canvas, and live pricing and availability for a part on the board.
Flux is a better way to build PCBs
Go 10x faster from idea to PCB by reducing busy work, never starting from scratch, and keeping your team in sync. All from the browser.
Screenshot of the Flux app showing a PCB in 3D mode with collaborative cursors, a comment thread pinned on the canvas, and live pricing and availability for a part on the board.
Flux is a better way to build PCBs
Go 10x faster from idea to PCB by reducing busy work, never starting from scratch, and keeping your team in sync. All from the browser.
Screenshot of the Flux app showing a PCB in 3D mode with collaborative cursors, a comment thread pinned on the canvas, and live pricing and availability for a part on the board.
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Join leading Fortune 500s and over 300k hardware engineers revolutionizing the way they build PCBs with AI
Flux for Enterprise
Join leading Fortune 500s and over 300k hardware engineers revolutionizing the way they build PCBs with AI